Phone 928 287 2156

At Damascus Road Yuma, we Love God. We believe worship is not just found in prayer, it’s something expressed in everything we do. Our philosophy is deeply rooted in the Holy Scriptures, life’s only guidebook. Come and join us to experience God’s grace for yourself. There’s a special place for you. Come find some old friends and make some new ones.
Damascus Road Yuma Sunday Services
Damascus Road Yuma Sunday Services

9/6/2020 Some sound issues but worth watching!

Sunday Service 10/29/2023

Part 1: A Father's Love Sunday Sermon from 10-17-2021

Damascus Road Yuma Live Stream Sunday Service

Damascus Road Yuma Live Stream Sunday Service

Damascus Road Yuma Live Stream Sunday Service

Damascus Road Yuma Live Stream Sunday Service

Part 1: A Father's Love Sunday Sermon from 10-17-2021

The Bible part 5

The Bible part 4

The Bible part 3

The Bible part 2

The Bible part 1 of 6

(Uncommon words) What kind of leader are you. July 11th 2021

Shall we continue to sin 6 / 6 / 21

People of the Second chance.

There’s Always Something Going On
Come Join Us

Mix group every Thursday at 6pm at 2363 South Kennedy Lane Building 6

We have a small children's department that teaches the love of Jesus through Bible study, games, and activities. Please let us know if you are going to bring your child. Contact us at 928 287 2156, or leave a message down below.

We have in-house services at 9:30 am at
2363 South Kennedy Lane Yuma Az. Suite 6 Pray time at 9:00am
and online services around 10:00 am at the Damascus Road Yuma Facebook page. Please come and join us

Hands And Feet Ministry
We have a ministry that serves those in need by providing hot meals, food bags, clothing, prayer, and a outdoor church service. This is one way we show the love of Jesus.

Making a Difference
Damascus Road Yuma is a generous community. If you are able to help us with our mission of transforming lives in Yuma and beyond, you can easily donate online or contribute during each of our services. “The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller” (Proverbs 11:24).
Thank you for your faithful support.
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